World-leading blood cell analysis: the key to meaningful haematology results
XR-Series provides the diagnostic support you need
XR-Series’ analytical capabilities deliver diagnostic support by enabling clinicians to derive the required clinical insight from the results for confident decision-making.
Starting from this page, it’s all about the blood cell analysis results you can obtain from your XR-Series analyser – including the technology, channels and parameters the systems provide.
Within the scope of blood cell analysis, each measurement incorporates multidimensional analysis. The new 3D scattergrams show morphological abnormalities from all angles and allow a detailed inspection of every cell population. You can select the populations you want to see displayed. Further, you can choose to display the 3D scattergram simultaneously with the 2D view or surface plots.
Explore XR's whole spectrum of blood cell analysis
Since all laboratories have individual needs, XR-Series offers its far-reaching analytical capabilities in a modular way with standard and optional applications – for full scalability.
Behind each application for cell analysis there are many parameters, for instance advanced clinical parameters such as the optional Extended Inflammation Parameters. Not to speak of the specific flagging that comes with the applications.
On this page, we provide an overview of XR-Series’ distinctive capabilities of blood cell analysis.

The reliable standards in blood cell counting
XR-Series’ CBC and DIFF analyses exceed the norm:
Every complete – or full – blood count includes the count of nucleated red blood cells (NRBC).
Every differential comprises an immature granulocyte count (IG) and – provided the option has been implemented – the Extended Inflammation Parameters.
Besides extending the diagnostic information, NRBC counts render WBC counts as accurate as possible, and IG counts can help you decrease the number of blood smears.
If you want standards above the common standard, XR is for you.
Options to augment your blood cell analysis
While XR-Series’ CBC and DIFF are already great, more in-depth analysis of particular blood cell lines may be needed, e.g., for following up on abnormal samples or monitoring of known patients. XR-Series’ modular approach lets you select exactly the applications you need.